Les Miserables @ Mayflower Theatre, Southampton

It’s amazing how a show as ubiquitous as Les Miserablescan at once be utterly recognisable and thoroughly fresh. This tour, currentlyspending some time in Southampton at the Mayflower Theatre feels morealive than any of the half a dozen or more previous visits I’ve made to revolutionaryFrance.

Laurence Connor and James Powell‘s (relatively) new production may not have the cosy familiarity of the original Trevor Nunn (I still miss the revolve) but it makes up for that with a relentless energy.

No production holds together without strong central castingthough and most especially the twin pillars of Valjean and Javert who hold somuch of the plot together. Killian Donnelly unsurprisingly sings Valjean’spart beautifully but he also brings a tenderness underpinned by steely resolveto the role. Opposite him Nic Greenshields is a formidable officer ofthe law, but he too shows the characters humanity, particularly in a lovelymoment when he searches the barricades for the body of Valjean and stumblesinstead across Gavroche. They both get their fair share of musical numbers andboth Bring Him Home and Stars hit home.

Sophie-Louise Dann and Martin Ball bring lightrelief as the Thenardiers, but these are a coarser, more sinister pair than I’veseen for a while. The romance comes of course from Cosette falling for thestudent Marius and, for me, this is often the most cloying part of the show butHarry Apps and Bronwen Hanson bring something a little more realto their relationship (I still want to see Marius run off with Eponine though,especially Tegan Bannister’s cheeky, joyous take on the character.

Elsewhere, in a uniformly powerful cast, Katie Hallmakes the most of Fantine’s torment, Will Richardson is a charismaticEnjolras and I particularly enjoyed Ruben Van Keer’s melancholicGrantaire.

You know Les Mis already, of course you do, but if you’reundecided about seeing it again I promise you there is still something new totake every time you see this superb show!

In Southampton until 23 November and on tour. Head to https://www.lesmis.com/uk-ireland-tour for more info.
