American Idiot @ Mayflower Theatre, Southampton

When, way back in 2004, Green Day released American Idiot it was a clarion call forthe disaffected youth of the US. It leapt up the charts on a wave of criticalacclaim and commercial success and was much beloved of a certain callow youngmusic blogger in provincial Portsmouth. Fast forward 15 years and I don’tperhaps listen to the album very often now but it still holds significance asit’s first theatrical incarnation was one of the first theatre pieces Ireviewed and quite probably the point that convinced me to start this site.Now, a good few years later here I am again in Southampton for the launch of anew national tour.

This new production from Selladoor is as brash, raucous andpunchy as you might expect and opens with all guns blazing into the title song.The cast leap about the stage; singing, pogo-ing, giving the number all theattitude they can and playing synchronised air guitar to the classic riff ofthe song. It’s an energetic all-action display but it suffers from anunderlying issue… you can’t choreograph anarchy!

It’s true elsewhere too, the heartfelt moments shine but themore choreographed the song the less the impact of the message. The endless “lookat us we’re outsiders” swagger is incredibly grating and the default responseof every character to flip off the audience, each other and anything aroundthem at any available opportunity makes their extended middle fingers about asshocking and rebellious as Susan Boyle.

For all that though, there is a lot to enjoy here, when theband are in full swing they’re excellent and anyone who has found themselvesdripping with sweat in a dingy bar or venue listening to local rock and punkacts will be glad to see these guys are the real deal with the tattoos anddress sense to show for it.

When the tempo drops you get to glimpse some really goodperformances too. Tom Milner makesfor a frenetic Johnny and his constant knowing looks to the audience were muchappreciated by the young ladies sat in front of me. It’s no fault of his butJohnny’s letters home to his mother feel like a cheap copy of Mark’s straightto audience diary notes from RENT and a potentially powerful scene of himshooting up heroin is lost because a large chunk of the audience can’t see whatis happening.

Joshua Dowenshines as Tunny, the slacker who joins the army to find himself and themorphine fuelled Extraordinary Girlis a real highlight. Samuel Pope is excellentas Will, the friend who is left behind and his interaction with Siobhan O Driscoll’s Heather is wherethe show really shows its heart!

Ultimately this is a strange beast, as likely to frustratemusical theatre enthusiasts as it is to annoy long time Green Day fans. If youwant some cracking tunes and a few really good performances though you’ll findsomething to enjoy here.

until 26th January in Southampton and then heading out on tour. Go to for more info.
