Avenue Q @ The Mayflower, Southampton

tumblr_inline_o5iat9hdtR1rgiv1h_500I’m a bit of an Avenue Q fan, I think we can admit that. In fact, every time this production has appeared anywhere near home I’ve made a point to go see it, you can read my thoughts on this production in Winchester and Portsmouth to find out just how much I loved it the last time it toured the UK.
Now the show has arrived at the Mayflower and a combination of one of my fave musicals in one of the best venues in the south… well how could I resist?
A number of cast members remain from the previous tour, notably Richard Morse as would-be comedian Brian and Stephen Arden who is clearly still loving his time playing Nick and (especially) Trekkie Monster.
They’re joined by Arina Ii who gives us a new take on Christmas Eve, this version a little less angry and more inclined to smile and share in the joke. It really works and her partnership with Morse is surprisingly endearing.
Richard Lowe takes on the central role of Princeton and imbues a puppet with a surprising amount of heart. On our visit he was joined by Jessica Parker, normally playing a variety of roles in addition to being resident Director, who frankly blew me away as Kate Monster/Lucy The Slut. Sweet, funny and sassy in equal measure she matched up wonderfully with Lowe and was undoubtedly the beating heart of the show.
Avenue Q is crass, funny, sometimes shocking and often heart-warming. Most of all though it’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face so head along and see it as soon as you can!

4 star
